Leading relations firm
DRMS Group is a leading relations firm.
We have a history of successfully representing clients’ interests on the highest political and economic level in the world.
We recognize that legislation and policy decisions across a wide range of sectors can impact an organization’s vitality more profoundly than court judgments and as deeply as business decisions related to its core activities.
Political resistance towards a product can even lead to its delisting by consumer retailers on a large scale.
With senior level experience at Member State level and across Africa and EU institutions, we have significant expertise across a wide range of policy areas. Our professionals combine know-how, experience and close working relationships with Africa & EU decision makers to start, implement or change policy outcomes.
Leader in the market finance professions, DRMS offers opportunities to invest securities on the financial markets for both issuers and investors.
Its mission is to execute orders to buy or sell securities for both shares and publicly traded bonds, on behalf of its customers. DRMS assures its sustainability in particular on a financial area of nearly 20M$.
In all countries of presence, DRMS offers global solutions in terms of investment and stock brokerage to all segments of the clientele.
A reference player, DRMS attaches particular importance to human capital. Thus, it has an experienced and stable team that is committed to offering its customers the best solutions.
DRMS has initiated the first double-listing operation internationally. Its Analysis and Research reports are recognized for their relevance and credibility.
DRMS Group is also a world-leading art and luxury business with a physical presence in 46 countries throughout the Americas, Europe, Middle East, and Asia Pacific.
Supported by the esteemed art business, DRMS Real Estate is a global network offering exclusive home and luxury real estate services to buyers and sellers worldwide.